October 2013 - March 2014Twilight golf starts up again 9th October - Wednesdays 3 - 6 pm
Official game starts on the 23rd October.
Teams of 6 with one ladies score counting each week.
Stb competition over 9 holes.
$120 a team to be paid by the first night.
Team members and people substituting for a team must be a member of a club and have a handicap.
Visitors and casual golfers are most welcome – you don’t need to be in a team to play..
We look forward to seeing you here!
If you wish to be added to the Twilight email list please email us at waipu@golf.co.nz
For more information: Email Kathy
cogankathy@gmail.com or ph 4327955
The Bar and
Linksview Cafe will be open!